Our first stop was at 7th and Main in the old downtown area at the DHS building. Why, there is my daughter Kay and it is lunchtime! It will be a treat for us to treat her.
I must be one of the few that has never heard of Homer's. We not only saw half of Little Rock in there but the people she usually eats with from work were there so it was nice to meet and visit with some co-workers. I even saw someone I went to high school with, but when I was ready to go say hello he was gone!
Now we have a little time to kill and we are downtown after dropping Kay back at work. A few blocks away we stopped at the Old State House Museum. This is the oldest standing state capitol building west of the Mississippi. When Arkansas became a state in 1836, the government officials moved into the building even though it was still under construction and not completed until 1842. This building served as the state capitol until 1911. This is also where Bill Clinton announced his candidacy for the presidency and celebrated his victory in 1992.
We read about the history of government in Arkansas and the Capitol (but not too much) before seeing an amazing display of Civil War flags upstairs. Also we read some about notable Arkansans and saw one of the largest collections of first ladies' dresses.
By today's standards this seems to be quite a small capitol building.
The governors' displays were interesting. Mike Huckabee's guitar was there, as well as Bill Clinton's saxophone, but Sid McMath was always one of my favorite people. He may not have played an instrument but he sure played a large role in correcting corrupt politics in Hot Springs in the 1940s. My father was his deputy prosecutor in those early political days.
We did not get to tour all of the building but we will return another day when we are looking for a cool spot to spend some time. After the movie it was 105 in Little Rock, but we were lucky. Two days ago it would have been 107, an all time record temperature in the rock for the month of June! It might be a long hot summer, not just in politics!