Between brunch and lunch there were plenty of presents to be opened. Santa evidently sent an elf early. Kay did hear a reindeer in the yard when she walked Lola the night before! Reid seems pleased that he can now build a volcano.
Yes, Kay, I knew you wanted a gray vest and some blue baseball shirts! And Flave, what guy doesn't want a Star Wars mug!
It will be interesting to see if Leon wears his new socks. I am glad they will fit me too!!
This will give Flave something to do if he is every sitting at his desk and not studying.
Jeff is studying something while Reid gets to work building his lego bus.
Lola just takes it all in stride when she isn't napping in the middle of it all.
Remote control vehicles seemed to be a big hit this year. Mary watches as Reid tries to get his Milennium Falcon off the ground.
Will did not get to town until Christmas Eve so we started all over on Christmas with a little brunch. Jeff and Will at least made a cousin picture possible this year.