Sometimes it is nice to stay home in summer and enjoy what so many others come here to see and do when on vacation! We have been taking lots of early morning walks at Garvan Gardens before they open. Members can go in the delivery entrance as early as 6 am and if one isn't walking by 8 they should forget it! Hot weather seemed to arrive early this year. This was one of the many whimsical art pieces we saw in the children's garden.
Downtown we went one night to take in the Wednesday night blues band and listen to Greg join them on his harmonica. What a treat. All sorts of talented musicians showed up this night and we were out way after dark!
Don came down for a visit at the end of June on his way from Tulsa to Houston. We did not let a 98 degree heat index keep us in the house all the time! This is not what I expected to find at our first geocaching stop at McGill Cemetery. Thank goodness he had jumped out of his skin..I almost did too!
After a while Don and I realized it was easier to just climb on the running board of the truck as the caches were only .1 mile apart.
We were excited to come to this cooling spot about half way down Huddleston Springs Road. We did not find the springs but this was good enough. We took the wet way to the cache!
There is just something refreshing about a shady spot on a country road in July. OK, I admit we did not even know what road we were on until we got to the end and ran into Mtn. Pine Road.