The highlight this time of year are the tulips which are just a couple days past peak. We also enjoyed the end of the camelia season and noticed the azaleas and dogwoods are just beginning to bloom.
My new purse from Florida is very handy if I want to transport a beverage. We had a delicious supper and a great visit with Marge at J&S Italian Restaurant overlooking Lake Hamilton. We first were entertained by Mark Ayers, who was quite busy at the piano bar pleasing a good Wednesday crowd.
I always enjoy visiting with Lisa.
Leon, Becky, Lisa and I ventured on to the Big Chill so Lisa could hear a really good twelve string guitarist. Dayton Waters is a regular here and although we planned to be there for a couple of songs it turned into 3 1/2 hours. I can never walk away from his music.
It was nice how he left the stage and wandered among the crowd. We were going to leave when he took a break but midnight came first. Lisa is a new fan!