Monday, May 31, 2010


Kay, this snake is our friend. It is a king snake. It eats poisonous snakes. If you see him around, then please do not run over him.

Memorial weekend

The weekend began with the arrival of Tracy and her family from Denton, Texas. Matt, Hudson, and Tracy relaxed by the pond after playing tourists in town and visiting the Alligator Farm.

Tyler was intent on finding a frog in the pond, but I think the frogs saw him first perhaps.

After some grilled chicken, potato salad, corn salad, beans and cornbread I showed Tyler how to take some photos on the phone.

Hudson took it easy after practicing his walking all around the den.

Sunday morning they continued their journey to Tennessee to see the parents/grandparents. We hope they will visit again! What a delightful family!

Road to Recovery

The past few weeks we have been on the road again -- the road to recovery that is! Who ever expects to have a ruptured appendix; certainly not I!  But it happened!  After emergency surgery it was a long couple of weeks to get to feeling like a human again. I am still looking for my energy.
Leon has been so amazing! He has caused me to be completely lazy and  well taken care of while I have been on the road to recovery. Our plan was to be on the road to north Arkansas today for a campout and geocaching adventure but there will be another year.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Drew's day

I am not sure what we have done lately other than dining with friends way too much, but yesterday we chose sports. The Meet of Champions was held at the Lake Hamilton High School track and Drew was down from Fayetteville to run with the Bulldogs in one of the relays. We were excited to go watch him run! Here he is ready to start the relay (the one in purple).

Run, Drew, run!

Passing the baton

And in a flash he was finished. We are so proud of the fine young man that he is.

It was an added bonus to watch a Mt. Ida student vault 17' which is good enough to be 3rd in the nation. His private coach just happens to be a Lake Hamilton coach who I watched critique himself daily in the library media center with our new video camera! Morry would come to the library every day from study hall and study his previous jumps. He was the 1988 state champion.

OK, enough about sports! Kay, Leon, and I stopped at Jahna's Italian Restaurant for dinner. It is a new place that we hadn't tried (operated by a former Lake Hamilton student) and it is a hit with us!