Wednesday I had a delightful visit at lunch with Kathy Lease, our former assistant principal at Lake Hamilton, whom I have not seen in decades! Also along were Margie, Chris, Darla, Golden, Carolyn, and Joy. It was nice to catch up and learn that she has 3 grandsons and will be able to spend more time with them after retiring this year!
After lunch we were mowing again. This time it was Kay's yard which looked not so bad in the front but the back yard had been neglected for too long. Then it was time to work in our woods! The chain saw took care of some unwanted trees and Leon hooked them up to the quad for a trip to other woods! I fed the smaller sumac to the chipper/shredder.
At last it was time to initiate the beer garden! We made a toast to Roy and enjoyed a tall cool one. We were too exhausted to do any more!